Qumun network system upgrade The brand new website officially launched

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-08-25   Browse Number:13250

On August 23, Shanghai Qumun furniture co., LTD brand new website was officially launched. This new website combined the features and innovation of other big website platforms, not only adds more product modules, but also appears to be more atmospheric and convenient browse.

This upgrading is of the largest scope since Qumun website fisrt launch. Comforming to the trend of market development, promote the overall upgrading of network and information .

The revised official website highlights the service convenience, embodies users thinking, optimize website browse and using path. At the same time, the forms of product center, function module and other sections is more innovative, better shows profession and integration.

Synchronous update and function analysis of APP+Micro website+website

APPAPP Since 2015, Qumun began to plan the upgrading of website. APP, We-website, website not only can be used alone, but also realize the interoperation. It is easy to browse and use with complete function.

In order to make it more convenient for foreign visitors, we strengthen the function of one-key transformation in both Chinese and English. At the same time, divide it into two large areas, "hotel products" and "office products" these two big convenient modules. Have clear product classification, aesthetic atmosphere of cases, updated news dynamics and so on. If you want to know more about Qumun, the brand new website is the best starting point.

 As the launch of new website, Qumun is committed to producing high-end business furniture and adheres to the concept of Best Quality & Finest Service;

Qumun pursues the culture concept of consensus, co-work, win-win and co- development, always put customers at the first place. Pay attention to team cooperation, maintain a professional dedication, keep improving the attitude and optimistic mentality of passion; Adhere to the principle and innovation, committed to creating high-end business products, make more users enjoy Qumun high quality marketing products and services.

PS: At present, the new website still endeavours to get improved constructed. Please ignore some missing information. We added another message function, if you feel unconvenience in the actual use of certain features or defective parts, please give us your precious opinions. Let us build a new website together!