Qumun Second Annual Lean Management Startup Meeting

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-03-27   Browse Number:12847

Lean management has become an important part of enterprise management.Lean management is a kind of consciousness, concept, attitude and culture.,

Jing”—— less investment, consumption of resources and time, especially reduce non-renewable resources investment and cost;

Yi”—— produce more economic benefits, achieve upgrading and perfection goal.


On March 26, 2016, Shanghai Qumun Group held the First Excellence Award Conference and Second Annual Lean Management Startup Meeting.3A company party member Xin Min , Adviser Zhang Yi, Li Jun, Luo Yue; Chairman Zhang Min, Production Manager Zhong Yongfang, Technical Director Li Bo, and all staff and supervisers of each department and district attended the meeting. The meeting successfully ended in the host of Manager Assistant Ye Jiong.

We reviewed the course since April 10, 2015, the launch of lean project management in the meeting. Imported advanced management concepts, such as 6s on-site management, material neat set management and line production. Put forward and improve 1261 proposals; 15 training, 845 attendants; 11 phases of model production, 9 phases of journal publishing; 92% rectification rate; 2 improving activities, 4 improving sites.

The startup of Second Annual Lean Management Project marked its transformation from focusing on the scene 6s management, reorganization to cost reducing, effeciency improving and products standardization; Through measures such as training, and atmosphere building to truly achieve continuous improvement and full participation. Integrate lean management to promote field work operation, support the sustainable development strategy of company. We need to meet the new challenges in more advanced ideas, more positive attitude and more solid work style. As long as unite as a fortress, we will overcome difficulties and create a better tomorrow!