The third trip of Shanghai lean management

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-10-19   Browse Number:7793

October autumn, Tan Kwai fragrance, 3A consultant Zhang Yi teacher Luo Yue and teacher under the guidance of Shanghai new qumer Furniture Co. Ltd. the third lean management improvement journey officially kicked off in October 14, 2016, the leadership of the company Aman Chang (Chairman), Ye Jiong (assistant general manager and director of the office of innovation) and Zhong Yongfang (production manager), He Zheng (technical general manager), Zhang Libo (technical director) and the Department is responsible for the people who attended the event.

Review of the implementation of lean management office company do lean production work, since changes through the video form and achievements: from May 2015 to October 2016, our total of 3096 proposals put forward to improve, improve people involved 8501 people, improve the amount accumulated to 1 million 981 thousand and 500 yuan.

In the tourist attractions, we visited the styrofoam cutting to improve staff performance appraisal, show improvement, polishing cloth flow production layout adjustment, improve the aluminum rack door to improve the internal parts handling improvement, shortening the distance between the back and seat process improvement, process flow of sponge adjustment and layout improvement and other 17 improved sights. The scene of the attractions together with improved wisdom and sweat, the narrator although nervous, but very enjoy the process, a comprehensive display of staff also means "continuous improvement, full participation" the first step, the improvement of the attractions creative and improvement, has certain depth and difficulty, more fit and lean management the needs of the development of enterprises. Zhang, He Zong after the tour guide, bell and other leaders and improve the photo, and the staff of the improvement reflects the leadership of praise, caring staff, employees of the intention to pay corporate culture.

The end of the visit, visitors and instructors multi-purpose hall to participate in improving tour meeting meeting held on 3A adviser to the success of this event fully affirmed, chairman Aman Chang for the leadership of the company to improve the trip also gave a high evaluation and requirements. During the awarding ceremony, chairman Zhang personally presented certificates and prizes for outstanding scenic spots, in recognition of their efforts and contributions to the implementation of lean production.

The last chairman Aman Chang in the summary of the meeting: the improvement of tour, see the employees of the company is love and enthusiasm to improve, I hope after the end of the event, the area of each team compared to the gap, the gap is not scenic site conditions gap, but with the degree of gap, will create five scenic spots the star attractions at the same time, to point to an area, scenic attractions will become, let oneself and customer satisfaction. Strengthen on-site management, product quality, production efficiency and customer satisfaction improvement, which must be caused by the attention of managers, to intensify efforts to rectify, to promote lean management.

To improve the long road, and full of hardships, we need to learn and improve, beyond the mind, firm faith, pragmatic, continuous improvement, and contribute to the company is management level and enhance the economic benefits, to break the "hardware tall, dirty and messy scene" phenomenon, in order to adapt to the development of the industry and to meet the situation the rapid development of customer needs and the requirements of the market economy.

Lean Management Office

October 18, 2016