19 anniversary

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-12-27   Browse Number:8731

2016 Qumun Furniture Co., the company ushered in the nineteen anniversary of the new crown with nineteen years, beauty of youth, passion and creativity, compose a gorgeous high pitched music development.

Happy birthday!

In December 18th 6, along with the upcoming Spring Festival celebration, new qumer Furniture Co., Ltd. hosted the nineteen anniversary celebration, new qumer furniture production chairman Aman Chang, general manager Zhong Yongfang, assistant general manager Ye Jiong, consultant He Zheng and other leaders with new qumer all family members in the multi-purpose hall, to celebrate the new qumer furniture nineteen anniversary celebrations. The ceremony, chairman Zhang delivered a speech full of deep feeling, looking new qumer nineteen years of ups and downs, along the way, full of hardships and fruitful, the survival and development of enterprises is on every employee to work hard and unremittingly efforts, I believe, only to hand in hand, go ahead, new qumer this ship will ride the wind and waves, towards a more brilliant tomorrow."

The big screen live looping wonderful history new qumer nineteen years, each department for the enterprise to offer blessings video, to celebrate the birthday of new qumer nineteen birthday.

The company is leadership and vision light candles cut the birthday cake for birthday in 2017, hope the new crown can sail true glory!

At the end of the celebration, the company for each employee to prepare a fine cashmere scarf, in the cold winter to warm and caring for their families, so that the new crown of the United States and the real feeling of every employee to the general feeling.

scarf show


I wish Xinguan beauty tomorrow better