[information] excellence due to focus -- Qingxin GUANMEI furniture has won the bid for the designated procurement projects of "organs directly under the CPC Central Committee" and "central state organs"

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2017-06-02   Browse Number:10521

According to the Central Government Procurement Network, on May 31, the Central Government Office Procurement Center announced the central government agency's 2017-2018 bidding announcement for office furniture designated procurement projects; After the annual designated purchase project of office furniture, we once again won the bid for the “Procurement Project of Office Furniture for Central Government Offices 2017-2018”, and became the only double-winning large-scale enterprise among the top ten brands in Chinese commercial furniture industry.

New Qumun Furniture Co., Ltd. was established in 1997 and has been developing for 20 years. It can be written in countless numbers from 0 to 1, and it has witnessed the ups and downs of China's commercial furniture industry. During the period of the financial turmoil, and won the glory of the top ten brands of commercial furniture for many consecutive years, the new crown beauty is consistent, focusing on creating the most beautiful business space and product quality. It is outstanding due to its focus, and its 20-year development of the new crown is fruitful and glorious.

New Qumun Furniture won the bid for two central centralized procurement projects as scheduled, which is not only the market's recognition of the New Qumun brand strength and product quality, but also the driving force for us to continue to grow bigger and stronger; as the top ten brands in China's commercial furniture industry, we will use the industry The status of the vanguard is moving forward steadily, promoting the continuous development of China's commercial furniture and adding luster to China's commercial furniture!

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