Lean field 6S reinforcement

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-11-19   Browse Number:6396

Lean management has brought new ideas, to give us new tools, new field, let us together into the improvement of the road, but also pleased to see our employees performance and growth, especially the great changes in our 6S site;

But our site 6S there are still not high standards, strict requirements, often repeated situation. This shows that our 6S management has not really formed a habit. Therefore, it is necessary for us to attach importance to all of them, all the action, high standards and strict requirements, solid and steady progress in the field of 6S management.

November 10, 2016 new crown U.S. lean management 6S enhance activities officially opened!

The moving target is all-round, full coverage, focus, to solve the problem, we will build a production enterprise the best publicity window, the best platform to establish the confidence of customers, welcome to visit our customers at any time.

Company executives swear signature

Signature of employee team

Zhang, Xu total for the third quarter of 2016 outstanding employees and team awards and photo taken

Chairman message

All the staff of the 6S expected to strengthen management promotion activities as an opportunity to learn in advance, deep understanding, often action, leadership, full participation, step by step, persevere, continue to regulate the behavior of their daily work. Promote the company is 6S from the formal to the action, and finally to the habit of evolution, to create a high level of 6S site management.