【Qumun·information】Qumun Xu Yafen, general manager of furniture was awarded the fifth outstanding green business award of the ten

Publisher:Qumun   Release Time:2016-12-21   Browse Number:17342

As the builders, with new qumer furniture craftsmanship

To fully implement the party is the fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee spirit, persist in innovation driven development, economic transformation and upgrading, choose the tree with new technologies and new industries, new models, new formats such as the "four new" characteristics of the outstanding young entrepreneur incentive model, the majority of young people aspire to innovation, forge ahead, overcome difficulties, make contributions, to join the construction of science and technology innovation center with international influence, guided by the Communist Youth League Shanghai Committee, Shanghai Youth Daily and the Federation of economic organizations organized the fifth session of the "Shanghai Ten Outstanding Youth" selection activities.

The afternoon of December 16th, the fifth session of the Shanghai Ten Outstanding Youth Business Awards ceremony in Shanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zone Development Report Hall Corporation held a grand ceremony, deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee Ding Bo, Shanghai City Federation of economic organizations on behalf of President Yu Guosheng, President Li Xuejun, Secretary of the Party committee of Youth newspaper, Shanghai Caohejing New Technology Development Zone Development Corporation party secretary Zhan Feng delivered a speech respectively, encouraged the elected outstanding young business.

Youth newspaper party secretary, President Li Xuejun said that the current outstanding green business award, for entrepreneurs top 50 total assets of 44 billion 700 million yuan, the top 20 turnover of 30 billion 200 million yuan, the top 10 total tax 2 billion yuan, these data were the previous record selection of the best level. WeChat platform, more than about 500000 people participated in the online voting, outstanding green business selection activities in the expansion of social influence at the same time, more fully ensure that the results of the open, fair and transparent.

At the awards ceremony, Chen Qihao, executive vice president and Secretary General of the Federation of economic organizations in Shanghai, read the fifth Shanghai outstanding youth business award list of the ten. The former member of the CPPCC National Committee, CPPCC Chairman Jiang Yiren and the Secretary of the Communist Youth League of Shanghai Xu Weiwan for the fifth Shanghai Ten Outstanding Youth is winners.

The general manager of the Qumun Furniture Co., Xu Yafen as the only representative of the traditional manufacturing industry has won the "Shanghai ten outstanding young entrepreneur" title.

Organizing committee awards

Business for nearly twenty years of hard work, always uphold the artisan spirit. Firmly believe that traditional industries can also get out of innovative enterprises. Her innovative design to meet the needs of the people the most comfortable and secure, lit more beautiful and future space environment. With her unyielding spirit, step by step, continue to create brilliant career furniture.

Question: what is a good furniture"

Xu concise and comprehensive answer, "I am engaged in furniture design and manufacture of furniture for twenty years, I think, good furniture not completely to the price to define good furniture to create a beautiful space first, so that the furniture as art space. A good piece of furniture not only in the vision at the same time in the use of good to hear or see, meet the function under the premise of durability must be comfortable, bring extraordinary experience. Really good furniture, it brings people is artistic, comfortable, healthy enjoyment."

The award is the Organizing Committee of the total innovation management ability, but also for Qumun furniture brand recognition, new qumer will continue to "innovation" concept to achieve the business of furniture quality sublimation, enhance the China commercial furniture and influence on Shanghai is economic and social development to contribute to enhance enthusiasm and strength.